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Argsh Documentation

This project is a collection of code snippets and a styleguide to write bash code in a consistent way. Argsh provides you building blocks to write quickly and efficiently bash code.


Bash is a powerful tool (and widly available), but it's also a language that is easy to write in a way that is hard to read and maintain. As such Bash is used often but used as little as possible, resulting in poor quality scripts that are hard to maintain and understand.

Not only is this happaning as Bash is seen as a "glue" language, but also because there is no hardend styleguide, easy testing and good documentation around it.

The Google Shell Style Guide says it itself:

If you are writing a script that is more than 100 lines long, or that uses non-straightforward control flow logic, you should rewrite it in a more structured language now.

You can write bad code in every other language too, but there is lots of effort to make it better. So let's make it better for bash too. Let's make Bash a more structured language.

This is what argsh is trying to do.


Argsh is quit early in development, and there are a few goals we want to achieve. You can find them here.

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